Tag Archives: Eating to Control Hunger

Eating to Control Hunger

Ever try to eat less to lose weight, but hunger pains got in your way?

We’ve all been there! And it’s impossible to stick to a diet or healthy eating plan, if you feel like you’re starving most of the time!

Use the following tips to eat in a way that helps control hunger, so that you can stick to your healthy eating plan.

Don’t Skip Meals. Skipping meals will only increase your hunger later, which can lead to overeating. Control your hunger by eating regular meals and snacks throughout the day – space meals about 4 to 6 hours apart with a small healthy snack midway if desired.

Begin Meals with a Low-Calorie Starter. Calm your appetite with a low-calorie soup or salad before your main course. This will help you stick to smaller portions during the main course.

Control Your Portions and Balance Your Meals. When placing food on your plate, choose smaller portions of energy-dense foods such as meats, potatoes and pasta, and choose larger portions of low-energy-dense vegetables and fruit.

One way to control your portions and ensure your meal is balanced is to fill ½ your plate with vegetables, ¼ with protein and ¼ with grains or starch. Add a small amount of healthy fat and choose fruit for dessert.

For a balanced snack, choose a little carbohydrate from grains, fruits or vegetables, along with a little protein or healthy fat.

Fill up on Fibre. Fibre helps keep you feeling full. Be sure to include plenty of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans and legumes, and nuts and seeds in your healthy eating plan.

Choose Solids over Liquids. Liquid calories don’t fill you up. You can easily drink hundreds of excess calories, but they won’t satisfy those hunger pains. Stick to water and other non-calorie beverages to quench your thirst.

Snack on Whole Fruits and Vegetables. If you’re feeling hungry between meals, snack of fruits and vegetables. Their high water content and fibre will help keep you feeling full without consuming a lot of calories.
